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Now downloading free:B&K bk model 1660 dc power supply

B&K bk model 1660 dc power supply free download

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TripleOutput DC POWER SUPPLY dlt*rur#ffi.i' B&K 1660 TEST INSTRUMENT SAFETY waRl||ltc Normal use of test equipment exposes you to a celtain amor,rnt of dangel floh - electrical shock because testing ncust sohetioes be perfolrbeal \phere exposeil high voltage is plesent. An electrica.I shock causiDg l0 milliamps of curlent to pass thlougb the healt wilt stop most hu6an heartbeats. Voltage as Iow as 35 volts dc o! ac llrs should be consideled dangelous and hazardous sin-ce it can proaluce a lethal curlent under celtain conditioDs. Higher voltage poses an even gleate! tltleat be_ cause suc-h voltage can laore easily ploduce a Iethal culreDt. your normal work habits should include all accepted plactices that will prevent contact rrith exposeal higb voltage, and that wiu stee! current a\eay flom you! healt in case of accialental contact rpith a high voltage. You will sigtrificantly leduce tbe lisk facto! if you know and obselve the followirg safety plecautions: 1. There is little dange! of electrical shock IroE the dc output of this power supply. Hoeever, thele ale sevelal other possible test conditions using this powe! supply that can cleate a high voltage shock hazard; a. If the equipment utde! test is the "hot chassis,, tvDe. a selious shock hazard exists unless tbe equipEent is uDplugged (usi turning off the equipment does aot remove the hazard), o! the plecautions ot Jtep g are observed. b. If the equipbeDt under test is "powered upi (arxd that equipEent uses high voltage in ary of its cilcuits), the polve! supply outputs may be floated to the potential at the point of connection, Remeober that high volta_ge Inay appea! at unexpected points in defective equipbeot. Do llot float tbe! supply output to more tban 100 voit; peak with lespect to chassis or earth ground. c. If ttre equiproent under test is ,off', (and tbat equipEent uses high vol_ tage ilr aIly oI its circuits unde! nornra.I opelatiotr), discbalge higb_ voltage capacitors before baking coDnectioDs or tests. SoEe cilcuits retaiD high voltage long after the equipraeDt is tuDed off, Z. Use olly a poladzed 3-wi!e ac outlet. This assures that the powe! supply cha6sis, case, and ground telrainal ale conlected to a good eartir Stounil anil reduces dange! florD electlical shoclg 3. DoD't expose high vottage neetllessly. Remove bousiags aDd covels only whea

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